ASP.NET web.config: configSource vs. file attributes

Within an web.config-file in an ASP.NET-application some sections of config, like appSettings and connectionStrings, supports the attributes file and configSource.

What is the difference between using the file-attribute and the configSource-attribute? When should you use which attribute and can you use both?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <appSettings file="AppSettings.config">
  <connectionStrings configSource="ConnectionStrings.config">      
  <!-- ... -->


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Method 1

file attribute

configSource attribute

The file attribute specifies an external file containing custom settings like you do in the appSettings entry of the web.config file.
Meanwhile, the external file specified in the configSource attribute contains the settings for the section which you declare the configSource for. For example, if you use the configSource attribute of the pages section, then the external file will contain the settings for the pages section.

The custom settings declared in the external config specified in the
file attribute will be merged with the settings in the appSettings
section in the web.config file. In the meanwhile, the configSource
does not support merging, it means that you’ll have to move the entire
section settings into the external file.

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