System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile Locks File
I’m loading a DLL
via System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile
and reflecting over it’s members in a plugin-esque system.
I need to be able to update/overwrite these DLL
while the system is running but it appears that after calling System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile
the file is subsequently locked.
Does anyone know of a way to unlock the file?
I have read about loading the file in a separate appdomain? Are there any pitfalls to this approach?
How to register a Controller into ASP.NET MVC when the controller class is in a different assembly?
My goal is to modify mvc’s controller registery so that I can create controllers and views in a separate (child) assembly, and just copy the View files and the DLLs to the host MVC application and the new controllers are effectively “Plugged In” to the host app.
Building a minimal plugin architecture in Python
I have an application, written in Python, which is used by a fairly technical audience (scientists).
German Market: How can I only show the imprint in the footer of the mail?
Updated: WGM_Email is a prefix for the WGM_Email.php
. Good to know. But still it’s not working
Is there a maximum length to a WordPress Page?
I’ll try to be terse:
Changed permalink structure. Need help with redirecting old posts
I just changed the urls structure of my site and want old urls to be forward to the new without the use of redirection plugin.
Check for Active WordPress Plugins from the Block Editor
StackExchange Community,
list of custom post by custom field in frontend
I’m trying to list the custom posts associated with a client.
Override plugin styles via my custom theme
So as not to rewrite the plugin interface styles or modify the current ones, I want to add new styles for this plugin through my theme, for this I need to disable them, I do this through: remove_filters_with_method_name