I’m working on a code to make a MS Word to HTML system. After googleing for about half a minute, I was able to find the code which does exactly what I need. Now.. It works offline on the ASP.NET development server, but it won’t work when I upload the files on my server.
I read a couple of posts, and the problem seems to be becouse the server does not have MS Office installed on it. Now, i’m not sure if it has, i’m still avaiting an email from the good people @ hosting (but i assume it’s not installed), but my question is…
Is there ANY way to make it work without th MS Office installed?
I’m using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word ver. 12. / ASP 3.5 / C# and the error I’m getting is
Could not load file or assembly
Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c’ or
one of its dependencies.
Thank you for your time!
Thank you for visiting the Q&A section on Magenaut. Please note that all the answers may not help you solve the issue immediately. So please treat them as advisements. If you found the post helpful (or not), leave a comment & I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Method 1
The Interop library is not a “working” library in itself, it is only a wrapper around winword.exe for .NET programs, so using this library does not make any sense if you don’t install or use Microsoft Word.
Instead you will need to find a library that allows for manipulating Word Documents. If you can constrain the documents to be in the new format (docx), then it will be quite an easy task, e.g. using the OOXML SDK (as proposed by Stilgar, too). But there are libraries for the old format, too.
Update: I have to admit, although I was convinced I searched and found some libraries for the old doc format before, I do not manage to find those anymore, probably because the result lists is “spoiled” by the many offers for docx. To be clear:
If you can afford to stick to docx (2007 or later) format, you should do that. Office Open XML is a (more or less) open standard based on ZIP and XML, and many tools already exist and will be developed in the future. The old format is much less supported nowadays.
If you have to go for the old format, too, then Aspose (as proposed by Uwe) is the only library I found.
Method 2
I think the OOXML SDK may contain something but it will only work with docx and not with the old doc.
As for the old formats I am also interested in a cheap and easy way to support them without the need to use the Automation APIs
Method 3
- You should explain better what is the result you want to achieve
- NO WAY, MS Office interop needs MS Word do be installed on the server
- Depending on you needs, you should find the best 3rd party library (I suggest OpenXml.WordprocessingDocument) but code must be rewritten.
Method 4
you can use Code7248.word_reader.dll
below is the sample code on how to use Code7248.word_reader.dll
add reference to this DLL in your project and copy below code.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; //add extra namespaces using Code7248.word_reader; namespace testWordRead { class Program { private void readFileContent(string path) { TextExtractor extractor = new TextExtractor(path); string text = extractor.ExtractText(); Console.WriteLine(text); } static void Main(string[] args) { Program cs = new Program(); string path = "D:Testtestdoc1.docx"; cs.readFileContent(path); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
All methods was sourced from stackoverflow.com or stackexchange.com, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5, cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0