Custom Rest Endpoint: Post/Put/Patch not working

I’m trying to get a custom rest api working to handle some stuff. One part I need to do requires a Post/Put to the API.

But the API-call always goes 404 on me and I have no idea why. I’ve registered a test route as follows

register_rest_route('test/v1', 'test', array(
    'method' => WP_REST_Server::ALLMETHODS,
    'callback' => function () {
        return current_user_can("test_metadata_edit");
    'permission_callback' => function () {
        return true;

And I create a nonce for the Post/Put request via an inline script:

wp_add_inline_script("test_script", 'var nonce = "' . wp_create_nonce('wp_rest') . '"');

up until here everything works fine.

Now I try to GET the endpoint, which works. If I supply no nonce at all, it returns false. If a user is logged in and I use the generated nonce either via _wpnonce= or the X-WP-Nonce-header, it returns the correct result for the users capability. But if I try to Post, Put or Patch it always returns a 404 and I have absolutely no clue why. If I create a nonce for a logged out user though, I get a 403 instead.

fetch('/wp-json/test/v1/test', { method: 'GET', headers: {'X-WP-Nonce': '12345'}}) //works
fetch('/wp-json/test/v1/test?_wpnonce=12345', { method: 'GET'}}) //works
fetch('/wp-json/test/v1/test', { method: 'POST', headers: {'X-WP-Nonce': '12345'}) //does not work, 404
fetch('/wp-json/test/v1/test?_wpnonce=12345', { method: 'PUT' }) //also doesn't work, 404

Any ideas as to what is happening?


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Method 1

The 'method' argument for register_rest_route() should be named 'methods'. Because of the typo, the argument is interpreted as it’s default value – 'GET' only.

All methods was sourced from or, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5, cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0

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