Why do we need ASP.NET Impersonation: Enabled on IIS 6.0 for default websites?
Why would we need to enable, IIS Authentication settings for Default Web Sit ?
Why would we need to enable, IIS Authentication settings for Default Web Sit ?
I was deploying an ASP.NET MVC application last night, and found out that it is less work to deploy with IIS7 set to integrated mode. My question is what is the difference? And what are the implications of using one or the other?
I wrote REST service using ASP.NET Web API.
I’m trying to send HttpDelete request, however I get the following error:
I want to upload my own asp.net website on IIS with IIS Manager. But when I do this, I get the following error
I’ve recently encountered an error trying to host my asp.net site with IIS. I have found a solution that many swear by.
Is there any section or code which allows us to set default page in web.config
I have a web project (C# Asp.Net, EF 4, MS SQL 2008 and IIS 7) and I need to migrate it to IIS 7 locally (at the moment works fine with CASSINI).
Detailed Error Information
Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x8007052e
Config Error Can not log on locally to C:inetpubwwwroot as user administrator with virtual directory password
Config File Unavailable (Config Isolation)
Requested URL
Physical Path C:inetpubwwwroot
Logon Method Not yet determined
Logon User Not yet determined
I have an (ASP.NET 3.5) intranet application which has been designed to use forms authentication (along with the default aspnet membership system). I also store additional information about users in another table which shares its primary key with the aspnet_users table.