change format from wav to mp3 in memory stream in NAudio
Hi there iam trying to convert text to speech (wav) in the memorystream convert it to mp3 and then play it on the users need i help what to do next?
What’s the ideal module for playing and pausing audio in Python?
I had previously considered using the ‘playsound’ module but found out it only plays audio, it can’t pause it. Are there any recommendations on modules I can use? Answers: Thank you for visiting the Q&A section on Magenaut. Please note that all the answers may not help you solve the issue immediately. So please treat … Read more
how to play wav file in python?
I tried pygame for playing wav file like this:
Play a Sound with Python
What’s the easiest way to play a sound file (.wav) in Python? By easiest I mean both most platform independent and requiring the least dependencies. pygame is certainly an option, but it seems overkill for just sound. Answers: Thank you for visiting the Q&A section on Magenaut. Please note that all the answers may not … Read more
Playing mp3 song on python
I want to play my song (mp3) from python, can you give me a simplest command to do that?
Play audio with Python
How can I play audio (it would be like a 1 second sound) from a Python script?
Reading *.wav files in Python
I need to analyze sound written in a .wav file. For that I need to transform this file into set of numbers (arrays, for example). I think I need to use the wave package. However, I do not know how exactly it works. For example I did the following:
How to join two wav files using python?
I am using python programming language,I want to join to wav file one at the end of other wav file?
I have a Question in the forum which suggest how to merge two wav file i.e add the contents of one wav file at certain offset,but i want to join two wav file at the end of each other…
Analyze audio using Fast Fourier Transform
I am trying to create a graphical spectrum analyzer in python.