ASP.NET click event confusion

I’m really confused. 😕. In ASP.NET, to capture a click event in C#, would I use runat=”server” and onclick=”emnt_Click()”, or elmt.onclick = elmt_Click(), or elmt.Attributes.Add(“onclick”,”elmt_Click()”, or just have this: private void elmt_Click() { // Code } Do they all work? I’m really confused. 🙁 Please help :):):) Answers: Thank you for visiting the Q&A section … Read more

How to do OnClick on selected item in “dynamic” ASP.NET DropDownList without using JavaScript

Currently, there is 2 values in my DropDownList which is viewProduct and editProduct. So when the user selects one of the value, it will direct user to the particular function in ASP.NET. I have tried OnSelectedIndexChanged, but it seems like not working on the dynamic DropDownList.
Here is my code: button onserverclick only works when onclick isn’t defined

protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnNext.InnerHtml = "CLICK"; } <button type="submit" runat="server" onserverclick="btnNext_Click" id="btnNext">Next &gt;</button> This works fine, but when I add an onclick event: <button type="submit" runat="server" onserverclick="btnNext_Click" onclick="return checkForm();" id="btnNext">Next &gt;</button> And in the head: <script type="text/javascript"> function checkForm() { if (document.getElementById("<%=lstChooseSpec.ClientID %>").value) { return true; } else { $.jGrowl("<strong>Warning!</strong><br />Please … Read more