Implement multiple section in layout.cshtml

Assume that I have a partial layout called “_Layout.cshtml” and I have a sidebar call “Sidebar.cshtml” both of them are located in “/Views/Shared”.
I have few pages such as Login, Index,Account Maintenance, Manage Course and etc.
I would like to make that “Sidebar.cshtml” appear in “Account Maintenance.cshtml” and “Manage Course.cshtml” but the “Index.cshtml” and “Login.cshtml” should not appear the “Sidebar.cshtml”.

Is there any way to set a generic root path for content in ASP.NET Core?

I have faced problem with accessing static files from wwwroot folder in ASP.NET Core application in release mode. I keep my static files in wwwroot folder and access them with a relative path, for example to access wwwroot/images/test.png for src attribute of img tag I specify /images/test.png and the picture loads correctly in local IIS Express development mode.

How can I insert the current logged in user in a database using ASP.NET Core

I am trying to insert the current logged in user in a database. I had an idea of making a hidden input text field in the view, taking its value, and inputting it in the database using the asp-for. But it doesn’t seem to work. Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong and if you have any other suggestion on how to fix this in any other way, feel free to tell me.
Thank you in advance <3
This is the view code (P.S I took out some code of the view, I feel as though it is unnecessary for the questions purpose):

Problem receiving form data in the controller. C# – MVC

Friends, I have 3 tables. Person, Student and Address. Person is a general table, has the fields of name, email, phone, etc. And I have an address table to save the student’s address. I’m having trouble bringing the information from the address fields dynamically and finalizing a new student registration.I appreciate if anyone can analyze.

ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC download file not found until IIS app pool recycle or run website from localhost

I am making an ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC with Entity Framework website on a Microsoft server running IIS 10 with basic user file upload and download functions. I can upload files to the _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath from the web but when I try to download them it cannot find them. However, if I recycle the app pool I can download the file (I can also download it from the web after accessing the website on localhost on the server).

Problem with translation in ASP.NET Core via ASP.NET Core localization in _Layout.cshtml

I am trying to learn programming in ASP.NET Core by making simple programs, but I got stuck with translating some parts of texts by using a localization feature.
For example, I created Resources and folders with all needed resource files with translated words and phrases. For _Layout.cshtml i created Resources -> Views -> Shared -> _Layout.en.resx and